Build Insider Survey (in April 2014)
We surveyed the most popular developer technology in Japan
The popularity rankings of development-technologies which developers want to use in the future.
Our web media - Build Insider - did a questionnaire survey about web and developer technology trend in Japan. This article describes the results.
- Period: March 31 - April 18
- Total number of responses: 230 (The number of valid responses to each questions: See "Answered" on each graph images)
- Respondents attribute: See the end of this article
This article contains two sections.
- Section 1. JavaScript and Web technology - this time theme
- Section 2. Development technology trend - regular questions < We will do a survey in April and October every year >
Section 1. JavaScript and Web technology
Popular category
The following categories in JavaScript libraries and tools are popular (top-five).
- 1MVC-based framework (such as AngularJS)
- 2DOM manipulation (such as jQuery)
- 3altJS (such as TypeScript)
- 4JavaScript testing tools (such as QUnit)
- 5CSS preprocessors (Such as LESS)
![Popular category of JavaScript libraries and tools [Multiple choice]](https:///re.buildinsider.net/hub/survey/201404-techtrend-en/09.png)
- Ranking 6 or later: "Mobile framework (such as jQuery Mobile)", "Web graphics (such as three.js)", "Template engine (such as Handlebars.js)".
- Sample responses of "Other": "Reactive View framework (Facebook's React / Om etc.)", "ClojureScript", "Web Components" etc.
MVC-based framework
![The popularity ranking of MVC-based framework [Multiple choice]](https:///re.buildinsider.net/hub/survey/201404-techtrend-en/05.png)
- Sample responses of "Other": There were some answers. "Vue.js" was especially popular.
altJS: JavaScript Alternative
The following "alternative JavaScript languages and tools" have become popular. The popularity of TypeScript has been especially increasing.
- 1TypeScript
- 2CoffeeScript
- 3Dart
- 4Haxe
- 5JSX
![The popularity ranking of altJS (JavaScript Alternative) [Multiple choice]](https:///re.buildinsider.net/hub/survey/201404-techtrend-en/06.png)
- Sample responses of "Other": "ClojureScript" was especially popular.
CSS preprocessors (CSS metalanguage)
![The popularity ranking of CSS preprocessors (CSS metalanguage) [Multiple choice]](https:///re.buildinsider.net/hub/survey/201404-techtrend-en/07.png)
*There was no same answer to "Other".
JavaScript testing tools
![The popularity ranking of JavaScript testing tools [Multiple choice]](https:///re.buildinsider.net/hub/survey/201404-techtrend-en/08.png)
*There was no same answer to "Other".
Web technologies that you have particular interest in
The following are answers to the question: "If there is a technology that you are especially interested in as Web technologies, please specify that technology name". This list is ordered by popularity.
- 1WebSocket
- 2SPDY/HTTP 2.0
- 3HTML5
- 3TypeScript
- 4Web Components
- 5AngularJS
- 5WebGL
- 5Immutable Infrastructure (Docker etc.)
- 6Scala + Play Framework
- 6SignalR
- 6WebRTC
- 7d3.js
- 7Reactive Programming (Rx etc.)
- 7Dart
Section 2. Development technology trend
The popularity of technology area
First, let's check the popular technology area. In this survey, we divided technology into the following four main areas.
- 1Smartphone / tablet development
- 2Web creation / Web design / Web development
- 3Next-generation-Device development (such as Kinect, Leap Motion, Oculus Rift and Arduino)
- 4Windows / Mac desktop development
![The popularity of technology area [Multiple choice]](https:///re.buildinsider.net/hub/survey/201404-techtrend-en/15.png)
Let's take a look deeply at some of these areas.
Smartphone development technology
- 1C# (Xamarin)
- 2HTML5 (PhoneGap / Cordova / Monaca)
- 3C# / JavaScript (Unity)
- 4Java (Android)
- 5Objective-C (iOS)
![The popularity ranking of Smartphone development technology [Multiple choice]](https:///re.buildinsider.net/hub/survey/201404-techtrend-en/12.png)
- Sample responses of "Other": "Titanium Mobile", "Cocos2d-x", "Haxe", "Qt" etc.
Device technology
![The popularity ranking of Device technology [Multiple choice]](https:///re.buildinsider.net/hub/survey/201404-techtrend-en/10.png)
- Ranking 4 or later: "Leap Motion", "Arduino", "Android Wear", "Oculus Rift".
- Sample responses of "Other": "Windows Phone" was especially popular.
Cloud platforms
![The popularity ranking of Cloud platforms [Multiple choice]](https:///re.buildinsider.net/hub/survey/201404-techtrend-en/11.png)
- Sample responses of "Other": "Heroku", "DigitalOcean" were especially popular. And "NIFTY Cloud", "SoftLayer" were popular.
Databases and Storages
![The popularity ranking of databases and storages [Multiple choice]](https:///re.buildinsider.net/hub/survey/201404-techtrend-en/14.png)
IDEs (Integrated Development Environment) and text editors for developers
The popularity of Visual Studio and IntelliJ IDEA seems high in particular. In addition, 60% of users of Visual Studio answered "I want to use ReSharper plug-ins in the future".
![The popularity ranking of IDEs and text editors for developers [Multiple choice]](https:///re.buildinsider.net/hub/survey/201404-techtrend-en/13.png)
- Ranking 5 or later: "Xcode", "Xamarin Studio", "Eclipse", "PhpStorm", "Emacs".
- Sample responses of "Other": "Vim" was especially popular. And "Atom", "Light Table", "NetBeans", "RubyMine" etc. were popular.
Respondents attribute
Age group
![Age group [Single choice]](https:///re.buildinsider.net/hub/survey/201404-techtrend-en/01.png)
![Jobs [Multiple choice]](https:///re.buildinsider.net/hub/survey/201404-techtrend-en/02.png)
*There was no same answer to "Other".
Programming languages
![Programming languages [Multiple choice]](https:///re.buildinsider.net/hub/survey/201404-techtrend-en/03.png)
Computer for work
![Computer for work [Multiple choice]](https:///re.buildinsider.net/hub/survey/201404-techtrend-en/04.png)
I hope this will help.
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