Build Insider Survey
The most popular developer technologies in Japan [October 2014]
This article describes the popularity rankings of development-technologies which developers want to use in the future.
Our web media - Build Insider - did a questionnaire survey about web and developer technology trend in Japan. This article shows the results.
- Period: October 9 - April 28
- Total number of responses: 140 (The number of valid responses to each question: See "Answered" on each graph image)
- Respondents attribute: See the end of this article
This article contains two sections.
- Section 1. Development technology trend - regular questions < We will do a survey in April and October every year > : The popularity of technology area / Web development technology / Smartphone development technology / Device technology / Cloud platforms / Databases and Storages / IDEs (Integrated Development Environment) and text editors for developers
- Section 2. Respondents attribute: Age group / Jobs / Programming languages / Computer for work
Section 1. Development technology trend
The popularity of technology area
- 1Smartphone / tablet development
- 2Web creation / Web design / Web development
- 3Windows / Mac desktop development
- 4Next-generation-Device development (such as Kinect, Leap Motion, Oculus Rift and Arduino)
![The popularity of technology area [Multiple choice]](https:///re.buildinsider.net/hub/survey/201410-techtrend-en/11.gif)
Web development technology
The following categories in JavaScript libraries and tools are popular (top-five).
- 1altJS (such as TypeScript)
- 2MV*-based framework (such as AngularJS)
- 3UI library (such as jQuery UI)
- 4JavaScript testing tools (such as QUnit)
- 5CSS preprocessors (such as Sass)
![Popular category of JavaScript libraries and tools [Multiple choice]](https:///re.buildinsider.net/hub/survey/201410-techtrend-en/05.gif)
Smartphone development technology
- 1Xamarin (C#)
- 2Windows Phone / Windows Store app native (C# / Visual Basic / JavaScript)
- 3Unity (C# / JavaScript)
- 4iOS native (Objective-C / Swift)
- 5PhoneGap / Cordova / Monaca (HTML5)
- 6Android native (Java)
![The popularity ranking of Smartphone development technology [Multiple choice]](https:///re.buildinsider.net/hub/survey/201410-techtrend-en/08.gif)
Device technology
- 1Raspberry Pi
- 2Google Glass
- 3Kinect
![The popularity ranking of Device technology [Multiple choice]](https:///re.buildinsider.net/hub/survey/201410-techtrend-en/06.gif)
Cloud platforms
- 1Microsoft Azure
- 2AWS
- 3Google Cloud Platform
- 4Heroku
![The popularity ranking of Cloud platforms [Multiple choice]](https:///re.buildinsider.net/hub/survey/201410-techtrend-en/11.gif)
Databases and Storages
- 1Microsoft SQL Server
- 2Microsoft Azure SQL Database
- 3MySQL
- 4MongoDB
![The popularity ranking of databases and storages [Multiple choice]](https:///re.buildinsider.net/hub/survey/201410-techtrend-en/10.gif)
IDEs (Integrated Development Environment) and text editors for developers
- 1Visual Studio
- 2Visual Studio (ReSharper-installed)
- 3IntelliJ IDEA
- 4Xamarin Studio
- 5Sublime Text
![The popularity ranking of IDEs and text editors for developers [Multiple choice]](https:///re.buildinsider.net/hub/survey/201410-techtrend-en/09.gif)
Respondents attribute
Age group
![Age group [Single choice]](https:///re.buildinsider.net/hub/survey/201410-techtrend-en/01.gif)
![Jobs [Multiple choice]](https:///re.buildinsider.net/hub/survey/201410-techtrend-en/02.gif)
Programming languages
![Programming languages [Multiple choice]](https:///re.buildinsider.net/hub/survey/201410-techtrend-en/03.gif)
Computer for work
![Computer for work [Multiple choice]](https:///re.buildinsider.net/hub/survey/201410-techtrend-en/04.gif)
I hope this will help.
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連載の全タイトルを参照するには、[この記事の連載 INDEX]を参照してください。

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